Saturday 24 January 2009

2012 will be the doomsday . .???

Many sources said that during 2012 was the doomsday year.Moreover the forecaster like Lauren's mama supported this statement like in his statement in in the Extravaganza Trans TV, that said that the strength of his prediction could not penetrate in 2012, she also often forecasted that the natural disaster in 2009 happening (i thought each year must be the natural disaster hehe :p).That was most popular of course the Maya calendar and the I Ching Book that said that in 2012 was the cover from the life cycle of the earth at this time. where did these people get the answer that ought to become secret of this lord. . .?? As an Muslim we should not trust this matter

According to the Al - Quran of surat Al-Araf (7: 187) They asked to you about doomsday: "whether the occurrence?" For instance: "Actually knowledge about the doomsday was to the side" of my God; not a single that could explain his arrival time apart from him." the doomsday was very difficult (Thr riot for the creature) that in sky and in earth. the doomsday will not come to you but with suddenly". They asked you as though you really knew him. For instance: "Actually knowledge about the doomsday day was beside Allah, but most humankind did not know".

So,,, what for we trusted Lauren's mama that stats her only human...?????? Or the mistic book that we don't know the truth.. ?? Remember the devil always tries to plunge us towards the error..


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