Monday, 16 March 2009

Moral of Indonesian people

Overturned, Indonesians's moral that it was considered increasingly was buried, by chance of rumours about the mental weakness of Indonesians apparently increasingly proven. Corruption and no longer property of the official of the government or the person of the head of government. In fact corruption was in and around us and often happened in our area. Might not be difficult tired to find the practice of corruption in and around us. The example:

*For the element of housewife who like going shop must know. .. . On January 9 2009 struck 20,26. . In giant jasmine had big discount until 50%. . . Here lucky me. . . . Although i'm not the element of the housewife who liked the expenses. . i still was there. . Because the problem of the expenses of the kitchen material was the mother's affair. .. So I only bought vcd inside giant. . From the new film until the second-hand film had all there. . But I chose the second-hand film coz the price is the different really. .Direct to the subject of the problem, the person who ought to be responsible sold vcd this with the price around Rp 45,000, precisely sold with the Rp price 20,000 with the condition paid at the spot and might not inform anyone.

*In the middle of the semester 1 in 2007. The illegal levy in the GOR pajajaran area happened to be precise outside of the field. The community that could park his motor calmly nearby the field,sometime must pay the "place rent to park" to the element that not an GOR officer for Rp. 1000 In fact there are still many corruption activities that could be realised by us and we find.I hope after we realize the matter, our eyes could be opened and could improve bounced us who still were susceptible to this corruption culture


dimas prasetyo ibrahim said...

setuju 100%,kemaren ada anak sma yang minta uang buat bayar buku seharga 280 ribu(kirakira),tp dia minta 400 ribu.
dan orang nya itu gue.

Nurendra Riastyanto said...

gubrakk . . haha . . modus lw haha

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