Saturday, 14 August 2010

Jawaban tentang Makhluk Gaib yang Menyerang pada saat tidur

Uahhh .. ketika bosan menyerang dan tidak bisa ke mana-mana. Mencari informasi aneh dan kontroversial adalah salah satu obatnya :p. Itulah alasan gw ga sengaja menemukan arti dari sebuah kata yang biasa di disebut "Sleep Paralysis".

Bagi beberapa orang yang merasa tidak bisa bangun karena melihat makhluk yang mendesaknya, jangan merasa takut parno atau bahkan bangga karena telah mengalami pengalaman supranatural, mistik dll: p. "Mungkin" kalian semua merasakan "sleep paralysis".

Sleep Paralysis adalah suatu keadaan atau situasi. Sleep Paralysis terjadi ketika orang terbangun dari tidurnya, tetapi tidak bisa menggerakan tubuhnya, tapi kesadaran dan panca indra masih bekerja. Sleep Paralysis juga dapat menyebabkan penderitanya berimajinasi. Biasanya Sleep Paralysis terjadi pada sekitar 1 menit sampai 5 menit.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Can The Genetic Engineering Be Used In Human Living?

There are not a lot of people who know about genetic engineering.
Genetic engineering is a development of DNA technology. With genetic engineering, people can make genetic copies of either the cells or tissue from living individuals before or they can engine the cell to make a perfect generation. enetic engineering until now is still a problem because of conflicts between individuals, groups, politicians, and even among the clergy . Does it deserve to use in human living ?
Firstly, Genetic engineering against human nature and God. Making creatures is God’s authority and human is not allowed to overstep The God. We maybe will not be able to understand what God means. Because our logic is not good enough to do it.
After that, genetic engineering has a big risk. Genetic engineering can’t be accurately predicted. Eventhough the scientist has developed the technology of genetic engineering, there still happened an abortion which is caused by the genetic engineering.
Although the scientist claimed that the genetic engineering can be used to heal the baby from hereditary disease, it will be very wise for parents to accept the advantages and the disadvantages of baby that will be born. Except when there is no other way to help the baby, the genetic engineering maybe can be used for the emergency way.
Finally, from those statements, it can be concluded that the genetic engineering still has a lot of deficiency. But it is still debated by a lot of people . We may think that the genetic engineering is a bad idea or maybe it can be very useful for human being. it still depends on us, because we live in democration country and we can’t impose our opinions to the other.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Ucapan kontroversial Jose Mourinho diprotes pemuka muslim Italia

Tidak seharusnya seorang "public figure" seperti Jose Mourinho mengatakan perkataan yang menyinggung hal" yang dapat memnyinggung suatu pihak apalagi tentang agama. Pelatih Club Internazionale Milano tersebut mengkambing hitamkan puasa ramadhan sebagai sebagai faktor utama kemunduran performa salah satu pemainnya yang bernama Sulley Ali Muntari.

"Muntari mempunyai problem dengan Ramadan, mungkin dengan cuaca seperti ini tidak baik baginya untuk berpuasa. Ramadan tiba di waktu yang tidak tepat bagi para pesepakbola untuk bermain,” analisa Mourinho kepada wartawan ketika itu.
Ucapanya itu lantas membuatnya mendapat kecaman dari Persatuan Organisasi dan Komunitas Islam Italia (UCOII). Melalui Ketuanya, Mohamed Nour Dachan, pria Portugal itu diminta untuk lebih menjaga perkataannya.

Ia menilai justru dengan menjalankan ibadah puasa, para pemain akan lebih tenang jiwanya dan mampu bermain baik.

“Saya pikir Mourinho tidak usah banyak bicara, Pemain yang menganut Islam tidak tampil buruk di lapangan.Kita tahu bahwa obat-obatan dan stabilitas mental, serta faktor psikologis membuat pemain tampil lebih baik.” tegas Dachan kepada La Repubblica yang dilansir Goal.

“Seorang pemain yang kristen, yahudi atau muslim akan memiliki pikiran yang tenang dan selalu tampil lebih baik di lapangan,” tuntasnya.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Sara

Sara adalah berbagai pandangan dan tindakan yang didasarkan pada sentimen identitas yang menyangkut keturunan, agama, kebangsaan atau kesukuan dan golongan. Setiap tindakan yang melibatkan kekerasan, diskriminasi dan pelecehan yang didasarkan pada identitas diri dan golongan dapat dikatakan sebagai tidakan Sara. Tindakan ini mengebiri dan melecehkan kemerdekaan dan segala hak-hak dasar yang melekat pada manusia.

Sara Dapat Digolongkan Dalam Tiga Katagori :

* Individual : merupakan tindakan Sara yang dilakukan oleh individu maupun kelompok. Termasuk di dalam katagori ini adalah tindakan maupun pernyataan yang bersifat menyerang, mengintimidasi, melecehkan dan menghina identitas diri maupun golongan.
* Institusional : merupakan tindakan Sara yang dilakukan oleh suatu institusi, termasuk negara, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, sengaja atau tidak sengaja telah membuat peraturan diskriminatif dalam struktur organisasi maupun kebijakannya.
* Kultural : merupakan penyebaran mitos, tradisi dan ide-ide diskriminatif melalui struktur budaya masyarakat.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

The answer for people who admit that have ever been pressed by a ghost or something like that.

Uahhh.. when bored struck, then couldn't go anywhere. Looking for the strange and controversial information is really one medicine :p. That's the reason I not deliberate found the meaning from a line that was normal in called "Sleep Paralysis".

For some people who can't wake up because of seeing a creature that pressed him, do not feel scary first, or proud to have experienced supernatural, mystical etc.: p. "Maybe" you all just felt the "Sleep paralysis".

Sleep paralysis is a condition or situation. Sleep paralysis occurs when people are awakened from his/her slepp but can not move his/her body, but the mind was aware and the senses still worked. Sleep paralysis can also cause the suferrer imagines. Usually sleep paralysis occurs only in the interval of about 1 minute or 5 minutes.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Moral of Indonesian people

Overturned, Indonesians's moral that it was considered increasingly was buried, by chance of rumours about the mental weakness of Indonesians apparently increasingly proven. Corruption and no longer property of the official of the government or the person of the head of government. In fact corruption was in and around us and often happened in our area. Might not be difficult tired to find the practice of corruption in and around us. The example:

*For the element of housewife who like going shop must know. .. . On January 9 2009 struck 20,26. . In giant jasmine had big discount until 50%. . . Here lucky me. . . . Although i'm not the element of the housewife who liked the expenses. . i still was there. . Because the problem of the expenses of the kitchen material was the mother's affair. .. So I only bought vcd inside giant. . From the new film until the second-hand film had all there. . But I chose the second-hand film coz the price is the different really. .Direct to the subject of the problem, the person who ought to be responsible sold vcd this with the price around Rp 45,000, precisely sold with the Rp price 20,000 with the condition paid at the spot and might not inform anyone.

*In the middle of the semester 1 in 2007. The illegal levy in the GOR pajajaran area happened to be precise outside of the field. The community that could park his motor calmly nearby the field,sometime must pay the "place rent to park" to the element that not an GOR officer for Rp. 1000 In fact there are still many corruption activities that could be realised by us and we find.I hope after we realize the matter, our eyes could be opened and could improve bounced us who still were susceptible to this corruption culture

Saturday, 24 January 2009

2012 will be the doomsday . .???

Many sources said that during 2012 was the doomsday year.Moreover the forecaster like Lauren's mama supported this statement like in his statement in in the Extravaganza Trans TV, that said that the strength of his prediction could not penetrate in 2012, she also often forecasted that the natural disaster in 2009 happening (i thought each year must be the natural disaster hehe :p).That was most popular of course the Maya calendar and the I Ching Book that said that in 2012 was the cover from the life cycle of the earth at this time. where did these people get the answer that ought to become secret of this lord. . .?? As an Muslim we should not trust this matter

According to the Al - Quran of surat Al-Araf (7: 187) They asked to you about doomsday: "whether the occurrence?" For instance: "Actually knowledge about the doomsday was to the side" of my God; not a single that could explain his arrival time apart from him." the doomsday was very difficult (Thr riot for the creature) that in sky and in earth. the doomsday will not come to you but with suddenly". They asked you as though you really knew him. For instance: "Actually knowledge about the doomsday day was beside Allah, but most humankind did not know".

So,,, what for we trusted Lauren's mama that stats her only human...?????? Or the mistic book that we don't know the truth.. ?? Remember the devil always tries to plunge us towards the error..